
The 3 Vs of big data are: volume, velocity and variety. With big data, enterprises have to process a high volume of structured and unstructured data generated from different data sources in a short span of time so as to get real-time insights. This is precisely what makes it more challenging. Altysys takes care of every challenge involved in management of big data, we provide services:

Big Data Strategy RoadMap​

Design and Implementation of Big Data Life Cycle Processes​

Enterprise Big Data Architecture ​

Master Data Management (MDM), Data Governance, Compliance and Security​

Data Virtualization​

Big Data Platform Development and Maintenance​

Real-Time Analytics​

Data Science, AI/ML/NLP models and Services​

Cloud Migration and Data Lake Implementation​

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Data Strategy Roadmap

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Data Modernization

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Data Migration & Quality

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Data Integration

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Analytics & Business Intelligence

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AI/ML Solutions

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